

Self Evaluation Quiz

1. Rf value is less than one because
a. Distance covered by the solute is more than solvent front
b. Distance covered by solvent front is more than distance covered by solute
c.Both of them
d. None of them

2. Rf value is closed to 1, then what happened

a. Good Separation occurs         b. No Separation occurs

c. Separation doesnot depend on Rf     d. None of them

3. Rf value is affected by

a. Polarity of solvent      b. Saturation period of chamber

c. pH of the solution      d. All of the above

4. If TLC spots are too high, i.e., too near the solvent front then what can I do now?

a. Increase the polarity of solvent   b. Decrease the polarity of solvent

c. Increase the plate size                 d. All above

5. Do impurities affect the Rf values?

a. Yes, always     b. Yes, sometimes

c. No                     d. None

6. HPTLC is superior than TLC in terms of
a. Separation area      b. resolution

c. Scanning             d. All above

7. Which loading gas is used In HPTLC?

 a. H2      b. O2

c. He      d. N2

8. Caffeine is a

a. Alkaloids         b. Terpenoids

c. Flavanoids      d. None of the above

9. Caffeine is found in

a. Coffee           b. Energy Drinks

c. Soft drinks      d. All of above

10. Permitted dose of caffeine

a. 1mg/kg of body weight       b. 2 mg/kg of body weight

c. 5 mg/kg of body weight      d. 10 mg/kg of body weight